Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 7th, 2018

What life will be like in 2116   

Video: The future

Discussion: The Future

Matching: Matching

Flash Cards: Flash Cards

Prepositions: Prepositions

Missing Words: Missing Words

Quiz: Quiz

Volunteering helps you live longer


Volunteering Discussion


Flash Cards

Missing Words

Word Pairs

The/ An/ A

Listen and Spell


Wwoof A website for agricultural farming

Where would you volunteer? Why?

Writing topic: Where do you see yourself, career wise, ten years from now? (Give three reasons).
Writing Template

I think I will be/ am going to be a___________________for three reasons.  

First, _________________. (explanation)____________________________________. 

Second, ____________________. (explanation)_________________________________. 

Finally,_____________________. (explanation)________________________________.

All in all,________________________________________.

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