Friday, October 26, 2012

Homework for the weekend

Please review the grammar in the grammar review. Have a wonderful, fantastic weekend!

Modal Jeopardy

Modal Jeopardy

Participle Adjectives

Participle Adjectives Jepardy

Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Extreme adjectives

Extreme Adjectives

-ed and -ing adjectives

Describing feelings and things

John Lennon Imagine

Imagine John Lennon
Imagine ________ Heaven It's easy ________ No hell below us ________ only sky Imagine all the people Living _________ Imagine _________ It isn't hard to do Nothing to ________ for And no religion ______ Imagine all the people Living life in ________ You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm ________________ I hope someday you'll join us And the ________________ Imagine no _____________ I wonder if you can No need for ________or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people ___________all the world You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm ________________ I hope someday you'll join us And the ________________

John Lennon imagine video

Imagine John Lennon Lyrics

Who wrote imagine?

Participle Adjectives

1) I don't like going to amusement parks. I think roller coasters are so (boring/bored). I'd rather go shopping or to the movies.
2) Kelly is (interesting/interested) in learning Korean, but she doesn't know how to start. Do you have any recommendations?
3) Scientists just discovered life on Mars. That's so (exciting/excited)!
4) Grammar is (confusing/confused) and I hate it! I wish we didn't have to study English.
5) The student felt (frustrating/frustrated) when he saw his score on the final exam. He thought he'd done a good job.
6) I saw on the news that a dog saved his owner from a fire. How (amazing/amazed)!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homework for October 11th, 2012

Please do Grammar 2-3 #3 for homework...thank you and have a good evening..../Craig
